Why should a candidate trust you to help advance their career? Why should a client trust you to present them with the BEST talent? Clients and Candidates and shared that we all say we’re “different”, but when they ask us how we’re different, we all same the SAME things!
Let me share some examples: “We’re thorough” “We’ve been in business ___ of years” “We specialize in your industry” “We thoroughly interview our candidates” We represent the best companies” “We represent the best candidates” “We are a local company” We are a nationwide company” “We’ll provide you with feedback” “We check references.” Their reaction to these answers is “Isn’t that what we’re paying you to do? Your competitors say the same things.”
When I’m doing in-house training for a company, I always ask everyone to write down their personal brand. Almost always, answers are some version of the examples I just listed and none of them really excite me about working with YOU vs. anyone else. Before you make your next marketing or recruiting presentation, create and practice your Personal Brand that accurately answers the question, WHY YOU?
Unless your cloning candidates in your basement, we all have access to the same talent and clients. What your competitors don’t have is YOU! They don’t have your track record of success. They don’t have your tenacity and the results you’ve provided for your clients and candidates. Rather than resorting to some of the examples I listed imagine if you were one of my prospects in Chicago and heard this: “I’ve helped 4 of your direct competitors hire over 20 engineers, in Chicago over the last six months. I’d love to provide you with those same results.” NOW you have my attention.
Before you make your next marketing or recruiting presentation, write down your brand and use it! No one has your track record, but you! If you’re new to this profession, use the track record of your office. As a result, you will not sound like every other recruiter, and you will attract top talent and clients.