For years I’ve been told by others that I should be from Missouri, the “Show Me” state, which leads me to Tip #9 – Value Actions more than Words! It’s easy to be impressed by someone who is articulate and seems to align with your core values and objectives. However, I’ve learned the hard way that it’s a persons’ actions and not their words that provides you with better insight.
If you want to know the priorities of people in your life, just observe where they spend their time and money, outside of work. Unless you know someone who lives, eats, and sleeps their work, because that proves that work IS their priority.
Just recently I was talking to someone who had retired and told me he focuses most of his time “giving back.” However, later in the conversation when we talked about the time and the resources he has provided in his efforts to give back, it became clear that giving back, was definitely not a top priorities.
Take time to look at your calendar and finances. They will also accurately reveal the priorities in your life. If you want to transform your life and attain greater success, it will obviously take time and possibly an investment to gain the knowledge you need to attain greater success.
I don’t know anyone who achieved great success by themselves. There were always people in their life who supported them and helped push them to achieve more. Do you know the priorities of the team you’ve surrounded yourself with? What about the professionals who advise you like your attorney or accountant. it is very important that you surround yourself in both your career and life with individuals who align with your core values, goals, and objectives.
The easiest way to determine that is to become an intentional people watcher. The actions of others will reveal whether you’ve surrounded yourself in your life and career with the RIGHT people who will help you transform, so you can enjoy a new level of success. Having someone on a retainer doesn’t guarantee they have your best interest at heart. On your transformation journey, you may need to add others to your team who’s actions align with your objectives.
If you’re not sure how to attain greater success, click on the link below and set up a quick call with one of our experts to discuss your objectives. We may be your solution or not, but you will benefit by the call because they will focus on what’s most important to you. We love to be evaluated on our actions vs. words because your priorities become ours! We will also extend a 25% discount through 12/30/22 https://calendly.com/good-as-gold/30-minute-discussion-afs-adh
Click the link now, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose! If you’re prefer to call, dial 219.663.9609 Tip # 10 on Thursday