Tip #4 may initially surprise you. In fact, I was given this advice by a coach fifteen years ago and found the advice a little rude and insensitive. Tip #4 is to change the five people you hang around with most. My immediate response was “So I kick my husband and children to the curb?” He laughed and then explained the theory behind his advice.
He asked me to think of the five people I spent the most time with outside of family. I want you to do the same. Then ask yourself two questions. First, are you the teacher or are you the student? Second, are they more or are they less successful than you?
If you want to advance the level of your success quickly, the best way to accomplish that is to find people who you can learn from because they are at the top of their game. Make a concerted effort to include them in your circle of friends in 2023.
You can find these successful people by asking yourself the following questions: “Who is the most successful realtor you know?” “Who is the most successful financial advisor?”, “Who is the most successful Executive you know?” “Who has received awards or is being recognized for their outstanding contributions to your community?”
If you want to get better at anything, let’s take sports as an example, you must practice, find a great instructor, or coach and play against the best players. Playing against the best players helps elevate your game and that same concept can elevate the level of success you achieve.
You may not personally know these high achievers, but who in your network could make an introduction. You could organize a Mastermind Group of high achievers who also want to achieve an even higher level of success. Lastly, review the philanthropic causes these high achievers support and get involved with the same group which gives you a common interest and can help you meet the individuals you have targeted.
For the record, I’m still friends with my childhood next-door neighbor and have many lifetime friendships that I cherish. However, I spend most of my time interacting with and learning from highly successful people who can teach me things I can then share with others.
Imagine how fast your life would change if you added one incredibly successful person to your circle of friends in the first six months of 2023!