I find myself cringing at the “resignation videos” now being posted online. You may think you’re funny and that it’s okay to slam your company, boss, co-workers, or compensation in a video. However, you need to consider the future consequences. I don’t think many future employers would react positively to these videos.
What you post on social media STAYS on social media! Reviewing your social media presence is often your first interview – and it’s held without your knowledge. I can’t even imagine the opportunities that have been lost due to inappropriate posts on social media. Posting negative, rude and condescending resignation videos is a trend that needs to stop immediately.
If you know someone who plans to record their resignation, be a great friend and convince them not to do it!
And… it’s not only YOUR posts! What pictures or posts are your friends sharing about you, on social media? It’s amazing what you can learn about a person, by studying their social media habits.
I’ve been involved in the employment profession for most of my life and I’ve seen social media posts ruin careers, or any chance for advancement. Sadly, many people don’t realize how much their social media posts have damaged their career.
In addition to the career ramifications, think of the personal information you’re sharing with total strangers. Look at your social media posts thru the eyes of a future employer or criminal and then decide just how much of your life you want to expose.
I’m all about a good laugh and I enjoy funny videos, but recording your resignation is not something many people, including me find funny or appropriate.
Please THINK before you post – it’s stays there FOREVER!