When you think of mentors who helped you in your career, who tops your list? Does this person even know the impact they had on your success? Why not reach out to them, or share your gratitude in the comments below.
With so much uncertainty, people need mentors now more than ever! Others can learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. You might be able to open a door that could impact the direction of their entire life. Quite frankly, I’ve also learned from the people I’ve mentored, so it becomes a win/win experience.
When you hire someone, appoint a mentor after on-boarding. This person can introduce them around, help them adjust to your company culture, answer questions or help solve small issues before they become major problems.
None of us got to where we are, by ourselves. Most of my mentors were men and I’m grateful for their leadership and advice. During an Advisory Call today for the Women Business Collaborative, it was empowering to interact with so many brilliant women, who are now mentoring others.
The best gift you can give someone is to share your knowledge, network and your time!