The candidates you clients want to hire are NOT 15% who are reading Job Board Ads or website postings. They want you to recruit passive candidates who represent the other 85%. It’s critical for you to determine the real reason these employed candidates will consider a change.
Most people give the same basic answers when asked why they would consider a change. Some examples include money, advancement, lack of communication or the latest technology, commute too far, etc.
In reality, there is something going on at their current place of employment they can’t control or change. It’s important to remember, many people quit their manager as opposed to quitting their company.
One of the best questions to ask in order to reveal the real reason candidates will change is What are the five things you’d change about your current job if you were your boss?”
Additional questions you can ask to reveal the hot buttons of your candidates:
- “List the five major accomplishments and the impact they had on your past employers?”
- “What are the most important issues that need to be addressed in order for you to make a change now?”
- “What are the main reasons you have changed jobs in the past?”
- “What talents do you possess that are not being currently utilized?”
- “What do you see as your next career move?
- “What are your short and long term career goals?
The answers to these questions will reveal what is most important to your candidate and will help you present opportunities that will motivate them to make a career move. There are also five interview tactics that will help you
1. Be More Prepared
- Request their resume/CV and email your paperwork in advance whenever possible, so you know what is most important to them prior to your interview.
- Your interview is the foundation of your knowledge base. Do not have a specific opportunity in mind when you conduct your interview.
- Never assume that what your candidates have done in the past is exactly what they want to do in the future. You must determine the responsibilities of their past jobs that they enjoyed most and least.
2. Ask Better Questions
- Read their resume/CV and your filled out application – if completed, prior to asking them interviewing questions.
- During the interview, clarify their definition of words used on the application form. Examples: opportunity, advancement, communication.
3. Become The Best Listener In Their Life
- Learn what they would change at their current job if they were their employer.
- Understand their personal, business and educational goals.
- Listen to understand where they are coming from – not to solve all their issues.
- Inform them that you want to establish a lifetime relationship.
4. Be Passionate
- Trust and rapport are established when your candidates know you have made a commitment to your profession and your company.
- You will receive more referrals of other candidates.
- People prefer to work with someone they like, and your enthusiasm for your profession will endear you to your candidates.
5. Be Committed To Provide Results
- Be honest throughout the entire process.
- Provide your candidates with updates.
- Deliver good or bad news immediately.
Implement these ideas and tactics and you will uncover the REAL reasons candidates will consider a change.