Do you have candidates in “LIMBO” because of Covid-19 restrictions? Unfortunately, you know those candidates are reaching out to their network to surface other opportunities, because of all the uncertainty in the world and job market.
One solution to keep things moving is a virtual interview and hiring process. The current “new normal” and the need for social distancing has caused this type of interviewing process to surge and can benefit your clients, candidates, and YOU.
Virtual interviews eliminate geographic barriers and most obstacles and delays. They are much easier to schedule and streamline the hiring process. Having this conversation also positions you as a workforce/workplace expert with your clients.
If they are agreeable, make sure they prepare their interviewing team in advance to create questions, determine the roles of each person, and set a scorecard on how the candidate will be evaluated to ensure consistency. Companies who are utilizing a virtual hiring process also realize substantial cost savings from the normal process.
Virtual interviews open your clients to a larger pool of top talent, alleviate obstacles and delays, reduce costs, and result in you placing the best talent faster. I believe companies will embrace this as a long-term solution and will remember that you were the expert that suggested they consider a virtual process.