If you want to transform in 2023 so you enjoy your best life, remove the word “can’t” from your vocabulary. Or be more honest and replace it with the word “won’t.”
Think about the goals you haven’t achieved, the changes you haven’t implemented, or happiness you’re not enjoying because you’ve convinced yourself that you can’t do something. If you want to achieve something bad enough, you are capable, and can make it happen! The question you must answer is, “Are you willing to pay the price?”
It’s so easy to blame others, the economy, or your circumstances for what you don’t achieve. However, every time you point your finger at someone or something else, three fingers are pointing back at you. You can’t change other people, the economy, or your circumstances, but you can change your actions in order to achieve better results.
It’s impossible to do things the same way and expect different results. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what so many people do. If you feel stuck or in a rut, you are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Complaining or worrying about something doesn’t change anything. If you want to transform your life and career, you must change things you are currently doing to achieve greater success.
The next time you hear yourself thinking or saying the word “can’t,” replace it with “won’t” and it will change your perspective. What you have accomplished up until today is just a small portion of what you’re capable of achieving in 2023 and beyond. If you never have a knot in your stomach or lump in your throat you are living in your comfort zone, which may be comfortable but it’s limiting your success.
Sharing this with your coworkers, family, and friends is one of the greatest gifts you could give someone. Imagine the difference it would make if everyone woke up in the morning with a “can do” attitude and then spent their day making things happen! This attitude will also greatly benefit the candidates and hiring managers you represent.