I want to wish everyone an amazing Holiday Season and a Healthy, Happy & Prosperous 2022. You are in the RIGHT profession, at the right time in history. Hiring and retaining top talent are the challenges companies face and YOU are the SOLUTION!
Referrals and redeployment can guarantee you achieve or surpass the goals you’ve set for next year. Over 40% of the candidates you place in a job, should be the result of referrals. If someone is pleased with your service (whether you hire or place them in a job or not) they WILL tell others about you.
If this is not your reality, review your candidate referral program. Everyone you have interviewed, hired, or placed in a job are either your “army of recruiters” or they are being recruited away! Too many candidates feel we only care about the company and not about them, which greatly limits referrals.
Your referral program for 2022 should have a person in charge, a theme, easy to understand structure and acknowledgements for the individuals who provided referrals who were hired. Just think of how much easier your job would be if 40% of the people you hired or placed were referrals. That is why this is an area that needs your attention now.
Following-up and nurturing is where so many recruiters drop the ball – especially now because of the pace of business. You can NEVER be too busy to keep in touch with the candidate you hire or place. If you do not keep in touch, you prove them right that you didn’t care about them, and they will not come back to you for their next career move.
If you specialize in placing contractors, at least 40% of your contractors should be redeployed by you, when their contract ends. Unfortunately, most of them feel you view them as a revenue generator and decide to “spread the wealth” and go with another recruiter for their next contract.
Before this year is over review your process for referrals, redeployment, following-up and nurturing, and I think you’ll realize there is room for improvement. There is also no better time than now, at the end of the year to fill the gaps in your process to achieve greater results next year.
Finally, please know your email, comments, texts, reviews, and feedback are greatly appreciated. I will do all I can in 2022 to help you attain or surpass your goals!