Just imagine the money you could make if you filled all the business that is sitting on your desk? The number of temp assignments, contracts, and direct hire job orders continue to increase. The challenge is how do you find the talent who is qualified and willing to work?
- Understand the Objectives of Recruiting
Obviously, when you are making recruiting calls you are trying to recruit the person you’ve targeted, but there are many other objectives including:
- Referrals to other top talent
- Schedule future contacts
- Obtain inside information about their company
- Identify professional associations they support
- Inquire if they found any of their jobs utilizing a recruiting firm
- Resources they use when looking for a job
- Where they hang-out online
- Obtain their personal email address to send articles and list of future opportunities
- 17 Steps – Prior to Making Recruiting Presentations
- Study your temp assignment, contract, or job order and clarify your understanding with the person who wrote it.
- Research the company, making sure you read Press and Media.
- Set up Google Alerts for all clients so you stay informed of current news.
- Know selling points of each company, things that are not on their website.
- Understand the hot buttons of candidates in your niche or area of specialization.
- Ask if there are any companies the client wants you to target your recruiting efforts.
- Create scripts that stress your expertise and track record.
- Learn how to overcome candidate objections.
- Focus your efforts on hot assignment, contracts, or job orders, where you have the best chance of success.
- Become excited about the opportunities you are representing.
- Be comfortable with the concept of recruiting candidates
- Learn what information to enter into your ATS for each candidate
- Identify the professional associations in your niche, subscribe to their publications, and read information on their website. Their job is to keep their members informed of trends which also will help you sound like an insider. In addition, if the membership list is published, those individuals could become future candidates or a referral source to additional top talent.
- Commit to a lifetime of learning and read Books | eBooks on sales and negotiating.
- Sound confident and expect to succeed when recruiting top talent.
- Utilize the six most powerful words that result in recruiting hits.
If you ask someone who is working “who they know” or if they can “provide you with referrals of top talent,” you will almost hear, “I don’t know anyone!”
This is where the extremely powerful six words will dramatically change your results. Simply ask for the best (insert title) “from your last place of employment.”
- Utilize recruiting presentations that attract passive candidates (professional).
Try to accomplish the following when you are making your presentation:
- Set yourself up as an expert in their profession who has access to great opportunities that are not advertised.
- Let it be known that you place your reputation on every person you represent, so you only represent top talent.
- Develop trust. Candidates must feel you have their best interest at heart. They should not feel that you are selling a specific job and only representing one specific company. Discuss their goals, plans, and career.
- Ask non-threatening screening questions.
- Share your track record which is your brand and differentiator
- Schedule a time for an in-depth interview.
- Attempt to develop initial candidate rapport.
- Obtain needed paperwork, especially the profile form.
- Never work from a resume or CV
The temporary, contract, and direct hire candidates you place in a job are either a recruiter for you, or they are being recruited out by your competition. A minimum of 40% of your candidates should be the result of referrals. That will happen if you continue to nurture your candidates so they are in the field sending you other candidates that you will place!
When you implement these ideas, you will recruit the talent you need right now, and you will fill more of the business written. Bottom line – you will increase your production and income!