This is the perfect time to share the lessons I hope you will embrace in 2022. These are lessons I’ve learned, and have tried to instill in my family, friends and team.
- Realize you have 100% control over how you react
- If you make a mistake – apologize
- When you learn something – teach others
- Rather than focus on problems, become part of the solution
- It you’re thankful, express your gratitude
- Realize failures are an opportunity to learn and grow
- If you see wrong, take a stance
- If someone needs help, help them
- When you are confused, ask questions
- If you’re stuck, ask for help
- Stop saying “I can’t” and realize you’re saying “I won’t”
- When you love someone, tell them
If you have not written your 10 non-negotiable goals followed by five dated action items, get this down before the end of the year. Post your goals where you can see them throughout your day and they will become your GPS in 2022.
Lastly, realize in any relationship, whether it’s personal or business, people want three questions answered, they will never ask. Can I trust you? Do you care about me? Will you do what you promise? If you are the type of person who can answer YES to those questions, there is nothing you can’t achieve in 2022.
I’m grateful that you read my posts and will do all I can in the coming year to help you achieve even greater success!