The headlines are filled with excitement about Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos traveling into space! There is something very powerful about a launch including the anticipation, countdown, flight, landing and what new things will be discovered. Their success will motivate others to dream bigger and accomplish more.
I’ve always been intrigued by the brilliant minds behind the space program and the excitement of the launch. However, I don’t realistically see myself launching into space any time soon! Instead I’m drawn to a very different kind of launch – the launch of new ideas.
If you are not satisfied with your life or career, you can’t keep doing things the same way and expect different results. This is especially true in the Staffing and Recruiting and Talent Acquisition Professions. There is a tremendous shortage of talent and in my entire career I’ve never seen a job market, bounce back so quickly, after business literally shut down in April, 2020.
Each time you hear yourself say “It is so difficult to recruit top talent”, keep in mind that as a result of this competitive job market, your services are needed more than ever. You are an essential worker!
Four ideas we’ve implemented are: First, we’ve stopped presenting a job until we know what is most important to each candidate, by conducting a general interview. Second, we obtain performance objective from every hiring authority to understand how our candidates will be evaluated in 6-12 months. Third, we ask for a specific target date to hire and obtain three interviewing times up front so we get the commitment from our hiring managers to interview and give them our commitment to present three qualified candidates. Fourth, whenever possible, we back fill candidates who are eliminated from consideration.
I would love to hear about new ideas you’ve implemented. We’ve all had to pivot our normal ways of conducting business and if you share your ideas, you will also help others in our Profession attract top talent and fill more requisitions. Thanks in advance for taking the time to share your ideas in the comments below.
I also wish you increased success as you continue to launch new ideas throughout your career!