Imagine the impact on your bottom line if you had additional sources of revenue for your firm? Most Balance Sheets for Staffing and Recruiting Firms are heavily weighted with Liabilities, with not enough revenue generators listed as Assets.
Why not make next year the year you increase the sources of revenue for your firm? I’m going to provide you with three options to do exactly that.
If you are only placing Direct Hires, there is a very important fact you need to consider. By 2020 over 50% of the workforce will be flexible. That means you will only have access to 50% of the workforce. Most companies now prefer to work with a staffing provider who can provide both flexible as well as direct talent. Your current clients are hiring flexible workers, just not from you.
Temp and Contract hires also provide you with a recurring revenue model for your business. Imagine the joy of knowing your overhead is more than covered before you make your first direct placement each month.
If you are only placing Temp or Contract, you are missing out on large direct hire fees. Your clients are using other firms for their direct hire business because they view you as a firm who only provides temps or contractors.
Most segments of our business i.e. Direct Hire and Temp/Contract Staffing have been flourishing for the past two years. However, often when one segment is up the other is down, so having a blended firm protects you during economic swings.
Your contact will be a different person. However, the person you’re currently doing business with, knows who handles their direct hires or flexible hires and can refer you.
JUMP START YOUR NEW SEGEMENT (Direct or Temp/Contract Staffing)
If you’ve tried to add Direct or Temp and Contract to your current business model with little or no success, we have a solution for you. We have created two 35-Lesson Tutors (written and video) Add Direct Hire Tutor or Add Flexible Staffing that provide you with a step-by-step process to jump start a new segment in your current business.
To obtain more information or have your questions answered, please call Jodi 219.663.9609.
Have you thought about offering Assessment Tools as a revenue generator?
I have been a strategic partner with the DiSC Assessment Tools organization for years. Currently, several Staffing and Recruiting Firms purchase the assessment tools at a discount from me and then price them to generate a profit for their business.
If your clients are currently using assessment tools, why not turn this into a revenue-generator for your company? Assessments can also greatly assist you when you hire your internal employees. For information on the DiSC Assessment Tools, please call Beth 219.663.9609.
These three revenue-generating ideas are a great place to start and there’s no better time to take-action, than RIGHT NOW.