It’s no secret that I love football. I’m watching the pre-season games to get my hopes up high yet again, that the Chicago Bears will have a great season. As I watched their recent win over Denver, I couldn’t help but think of how critical the performance is for every player who is trying to win a spot on the roster.
If you perform, you have a chance to make the team, but only if someone else fighting for the same position, didn’t perform better. Can you imagine if that was how you were evaluated every year in the Staffing and Recruiting Profession, to determine if you’re the best person for your job?
Performance reviews don’t even come close to the scrutiny and competition experienced by Professional Athletes who could be cut by a bad performance in one game.
- Would you make the team if there was a pre-season at the beginning of each year?
- Are you constantly improving your ability to sell, recruit, negotiate, close and build relationships with candidates and clients?
- Have you positioned yourself as the “go to person” in your niche?
- Do your candidates consider you their “Lifetime Career Agent”?
- Do Clients value you as a Trusted Advisor, Consultant and Friend?
- Are most of your new clients and top talent you represent, the result of referrals?
- Does your competition fear going up against you, because of your reputation for providing results?
Hopefully, you confidently answered yes to these eight questions, but if you didn’t, those are probably areas you need to improve.
Too many individuals in our profession rest on their laurels and eventually their production and income are negatively impacted. We may not be able to negotiate a multi-million dollar contract up front in our Profession, but there truly is no limit on what you could achieve if you continue to learn and improve.
Take time to review your playbook, position on your team, percentage of referrals, strengths and weaknesses and of course results achieved. Play toward your strengths but also work on weaknesses so you continue to be a key player for your company.