Early in my career I attended a conference and when the speaker asked “What do you want on your tombstone?” I yelled out “sausage and cheese.” It was humiliating when I realized he was NOT talking about Pizza. (I recalled this memory, because yesterday was “Pizza Day!”)
He was referring to the end of life and wanted to know what we would write on our tombstone. I was young, and thought the question was morbid. He then explained that we would accomplish more if we determined how we wanted to be remembered. He challenged us to write down the legacy we wanted to leave, and the impact we wanted to achieve.
On that day I wrote down “I want other people to be better off for having met me.” I wasn’t sure how I would accomplish that, because it was very early in my career. However, I never forgot what I wrote down. To this very day, that is what motivates most of my decisions, actions and results.
Please take a moment and answer the following questions….
What do you want to be remembered for? What legacy do you want to leave? What impact do you want to have? What do you want written on your tombstone? (not pizza)
Life speeds by so fast (where did January go?) but you are TOO IMPORTANT, to let life pass you by. Everyone who achieves greatness set out to be great! They faced obstacles and challenges but were not deterred from their dreams.
I’m fortunate enough to be in a profession where I can change lives on a daly basis, by helping people advance in their career. My training company helps people become more successful. If I can help you in anyway, please reach out 219.663.9609.
It would be great if you share how you want to be remembered in the comments below. There is something powerful that occurs, when you write something down and share it with others. It can help hold you accountable, to become the person and success, you are meant to become – starting today