Whether you’re involved in client development or recruiting, it is critical to your success to understand which orders, contracts, and assignments have the best chance of generating revenue.
Too often orders, assignments, or contracts are worked because of the following reasons: The client is one of your favorite clients or very demanding,
you wrote the business and want to work it or you don’t have any other business to work.
None of these reasons qualify this business as hot. It is important that you focus on the most workable and hottest business where you have the best chance of providing results.
The following is a list of 17 criteria for hot business:
- Salary or pay rate is commensurate with specs of the order, contract, or assignment
- Your client has provided detailed specifications+
- Fee agreement or contract is signed
- All parties understand and agree with your guarantee
- Everyone in the hiring process has read and signed off on your order, contract or assignment
- You have obtained a specific target date to fill
- The client has agreed upon three interview times
- You obtained an alternative person to confirm the interviews
- You understand the pain that exists as a result of this opening
- You are aware of pending candidates and | or internal referrals
- You understand why other candidates have been screened out
- You know the competitors this client respects, so you can target them
- You have names of possible target candidates they have requested (optional)
- They will pay your invoice on time
- Your client has agreed to interview the candidates you present
- When one of your candidates is eliminated from consideration, your client will book additional candidates you present.
- You will communicate throughout the entire process including an update on progress every Friday
In this competitive candidate-driven market, it’s important to turn down bad business. Once you position yourself as a trusted advisor vs. a vendor, your clients will be more receptive to your suggestions. Always focus on the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) of your clients in every discussion.
When you turn down bad business stress the following:
- You don’t want to waste their time
- You don’t want to damage their reputation in the market
- Share information why you will not be able to fill their order, contract or assignment
- Provide alternative resources if possible
You never want to accept business that you know is mission impossible. That will just hurt your reputation. Your clients will appreciate the fact that you have been honest with them, based on facts not just your opinion.
People do business with people they like. Don’t leave your wonderful personality at the door. It takes six contacts for someone to even know your name and the company you represent. That is why individuals who are persistent often land the best clients.
You are especially judged during the following times:
- You are not able to fill a job order, contract, or assignment
- The level of contact and follow up you have after a candidate is placed
- When problems occur
Tips to fill more orders, contracts, and assignments:
- Become the best listener in their lives
- Learn personal things about each client
- Remember birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates
- Always let them talk about themselves before you begin to sell
- Develop a high touch – high tech level of communication
- Maintain a high level of standards, ethics, and honesty
Follow these tips and you will fill only work hot orders, contracts, or assignments which will result in you filling more business.