Wouldn’t it be great if there was as much excitement about Recruiting as there is about participating in Fantasy Sports?
It’s always amazed me how much time people dedicate to selecting their players each week.
Imagine what they could accomplish if those same hours were dedicated to the advancement of their career.
Imagine what we could accomplish if we dedicated more time, focus and effort to our careers.
The difference between great athletes and great recruiters or account executives is we never lose the chance to become an MVP.
Unfortunately, 90% of all recruiters and account executives experience average success and never pay the price to become one of the BEST.
Just like athletes, it takes determination, dedication, tenacity and practice to attain exceptional success in our Profession.
High achievers plan outgoing calls, focus on results-oriented activity, embrace change and consistently improve their skills.
This includes work done before or after scheduled hours and consistently lowering individual ratios while increasing sales.
If you were going to put together a Fantasy Recruiting Team would you select yourself as a member of that team?
If not, what do you need to change in the way you work your desk to improve your income and success?
The great news is you can make so much more money, if you do what it takes to WIN at Fantasy Recruiting instead of Fantasy Sports!
You may not obtain a multi-million-dollar contract, but you can earn that much throughout your career in this amazing profession.
AND, you’re not put out to pasture in your 40’s!