f you are not tracking metrics, you have no way to measure current success or problem areas of growth. What you don’t measure – doesn’t count! Let’s discuss five strategies to eliminate slumps forever and become a consistent producer.
STRATEGY ONE: Commit to tracking your stats and individual ratios
Every single individual involved in the placement process, whether focused on recruiting or client development and sales should track metrics. Staffing and Recruiting is a relationship building business, but it is also a sales profession and sales is a numbers game.
STRATEGY TWO: Measure for success
When you measure for success, you recognize that improvement comes from making adjustments and then measuring results to test those adjustments. Focus should be on enhancing performance to better serve the clients and candidates you represent.
Once you know your individual stats and ratios you can eliminate slumps. It truly takes the mystery out of where you need to focus. You will know the exact results they must achieve each day to consistently attain your goals. It’s not about the number of calls you make, but rather the daily results you need to achieve.
You can grow and actually succeed without measuring, but without systems and structure in
place you won’t know how or what to measure. This can become deadly when the job market or the economy takes a turn.
STRATEGY THREE: Determine what metrics to track
There are certain ratios and statistics that are critical to measure to determine the exact results needed each day which include:
- Recruiting Call to Hit
- Hit to Interview
- Interview to Send-Out or Interview to Submittal (Contract/Temp)
- Send-Out to Placement or Fill E
- Marketing Call to Job Order, Contract or Temp Assignment
- Presentation to Send-Out
- Job Order, Contract or Temp Assignment to Fill
What never changes is the importance of how to discover what is critical to measure as it
relates to sales activity and results.
STRATEGY FOUR: Track metrics daily
Tracking metrics are as important as planning and must be tracked daily in order for them to be accurate. The sooner tracking metrics becomes a daily activity, the sooner you will enjoy consistent production and improved results.
STRATEGY FIVE: Prosper and Grow
Measurements of activities in the Staffing and Recruiting Profession, provides feedback to:
- Set standards for activities that lead to desired sales results.
- Measure the activities at different parts of the sales process.
- Make adjustments to activity areas that need improvement.
- Measure against the new results and then the process is repeated.
The statement, “What gets measured, gets focused on” is true. You measure to understand, learn, grow and succeed. You measure for warning signs of slumps, but also to identify when you are doing a great job. By measuring and setting minimum standards, you can identify methods for improvement. Without measuring stats and ratios the ability to prosper and grow can appear to be intangible and complex.
This can cause anxiety because you don’t know:
- How to determine production in the coming month, quarter or year.
- How to measure when you are attaining the results to actually close placements.
- How to set minimum result standards.
- How you can better serve your candidates and clients
Measuring activities takes the guesswork out of consistently improving your level of success by providing a standard focused on the critical elements of the sales process. Other benefits of measuring include the opportunity for positive feedback on solid activity levels and clues to where coaching would be most beneficial. The Staffing and Recruiting Profession is ever-changing which requires you to continually learn and change if you are to remain competitive.
Set individual minimum result standards, it becomes easier to clearly understand
measurable expectations. Once you understand the exact results you need to achieve your income goals, you can then focus on attaining those results on a consistent basis.
In the Staffing and Recruiting Profession you have people on both sides of your sale. In order to satisfy the needs of both your candidates and clients, it’s important to maintain a positive, motivated attitude regardless of the level of disappointments and rejection you experience. In addition to other benefits already mentioned, measuring your stats and individual ratios provides you with a daily opportunity for instant feedback and gratification.