Are you financially where you want it to be? Review your year to date income and ask yourself if you have missed or surpassed your expectations? If you are caught somewhere between where you are and where you know you deserve to be, you need to make subtle changes NOW to increase sales and your income.
If you think you CAN or you think you CAN’T ~ you’re right!
You need to take yourself OFF the automatic pilot that is directing your efforts. Become more consciously aware of the:
- Decisions you Make
- Actions your Take
- Results you Achieve
We are all creatures of habit, and therefore go through every day without giving our actions much thought. It’s a proven fact that it takes three weeks to develop a new habit. You can see the effort it will take to make changes in the way you run your desk.
Realize another person cannot motivate you. The passion, drive and determination has to come from within YOU. You are only going to produce and earn more if you determine why it’s important to YOU. You are NOT going to do it just because (Name of owner) wants to have a record year.
Here are 18 subtle changes, guaranteed to increase your level of success.
Ask yourself three questions every Friday afternoon:
- What do I CONTINUE doing? (Actions that were profitable)
- What do I STOP doing? (Actions that were NOT profitable)
- What do I START doing? (New techniques, strategies and actions)
Often the most difficult question to answer is, “What do I need to stop doing?” You need to STOP doing everything that is not PROFITABLE for you. There is an 8o/20 rule that holds very true in recruiting. Twenty Percent of what you’re currently doing is giving you 80% of your RESULTS. Just imagine what would happen if you spent more of your time doing the 20% of your actions that provides you the greatest results!
You need to make a lifetime commitment to training & change.
When you try new things remember…
Every Master was Once a Disaster
Write down Six Specific REVENUE GENERATING Strategies for the remainder of the year. Under each Strategy write down specific tactics that will help you successfully attain each strategy with DATES.
STRATEGY: Increase Profits
TACTICS: Conduct Revenue Modeling
Direct 85% of all Marketing Efforts toward the highest profit business
Know your numbers, ratios and stats so you can calculate what daily results need to be met for consistent production. Commit to tracking your STATS daily – no exception!
Review the systems you utilize. The most successful sales organizations have repeatable systems in place which greatly enhances your ability to attain higher levels of success. The Placement Process is a “process.” Your should be following systems and processes. Prosperity is not attracted to disorganization.
Have a system that automatically “touches” your candidates and clients bi-monthly through an Auto Responder system.
Develop a specific referral program.
- Determine when to ask for referrals
- Consider paying for referrals
- Always acknowledge referrals
- Ensure your candidate that the referrals will not be their competition
NO TIME – delegate, hire a team. If you can’t afford to hire a team, you probably need a team more than someone else. Consider hiring an intern or someone part-time to do the functions you should NOT be doing yourself. Imagine someone earning $10 per week which will cost you $400 per month and would be the best $400 you will spend. During those 10 hours work on the 20% that is the best use of your time!
Always prospect for new talent to represent:
- Call past employers and ask for your candidate
- Have a list outlining a sample of your current job orders and email it to all candidates
- Check personal references
Monetize on job order leads. Are you a Shark or a Goldfish?
- List targets
- Call past employers
- Turn reference checks into marketing presentations
- Show them the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me)
Realize your job each day is to get candidates in front of hiring authorities. Increase your number of send outs and you will increase your production and income. When in DOUBT – SEND THEM OUT. (even if YOU DON’T LIKE them!)
Realize objections are BUYING SIGNS, a request for more information. Know what type of objection you receive and then overcome the objection.
- Price
- Personal
- Postponement
- Service
Develop an outside/in approach to business and utilize surveys.
Set 10 non negotiable goals with 4 to 5 action items under each goal. Post these where you can see them as you work.
Create a Dream Board and be precise!
If you want to reach a new level fast – change the five people you hang around with most!
Develop a personal BRAND – what can you say that no one else can?
Set the Ultimate Goal to become your Clients Trusted Advisor and your Candidates Lifetime Agent.
Review each of these areas and select the THREE you feel will have the greatest impact on your production and income.
Once you know exactly where you are going, no one will be able to stop you from attaining that goal!