Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel? Are you ever further behind at the end of the day, they when it started? By Friday afternoon, are you completely exhausted? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this post was written for you.
Today is Friday the 13th! Why not decide today, to unplug for 13 hours over this weekend. Put down your phone, don’t log on to your computer, turn the TV off and take time to enjoy the amazing things in your life for 13 hours! If the thought of unplugging for 13 hours immediately causes you to stress out – you’re probably the exact person who would benefit the most.
Think of the last time you listened to a bird sing, saw a beautiful sunrise or sunset, laughed until your side hurt, went for a walk on the beach or enjoyed the smell of freshly cut grass (I’m referring to your lawn!)
Summer is almost over. How many of the things you intended to do this summer, did you actually do?
Rather than hitting your endless TO DO list this weekend how about checking something off your “bucket list.” There is no time like the present to have fun and enjoy life. Do things this weekend that you WANT to do versus that long list of things you HAVE to do!
Why not take this a step further, and challenge your friends and families to unplug for the same 13 hours. You might actually discover that not constantly texting on your phone or spending endless hours on Social Media or playing video games is actually a great break!
When you unplug, you are also giving your body, mind and spirit time to recharge and face challenges easier. You actually owe it to yourself to plan some relaxation and fun! I can’t wait to read in the comments below what you did WHEN you unplugged this weekend.