Your reputation is what people say about you, behind your back! If there was a 5-star rating system for the services you offer, how would you be rated? For those of you in the Recruiting or Talent Acquisition Professions how many stars would you receive from job seekers, hiring managers or your co-workers?
People often don’t remember what you said or did, but they ALWAYS remember how you made them feel.
First – If you don’t hire or place a candidate, provide them with feedback and possible resources they can utilize.
Second -provide weekly updates to Hiring Managers on the progress of your search efforts.
Third – treat your co-workers with respect and kindness.
Fourth – to improve your in-person and online reputation, remember in any type of relationship, people want the know three things:
- Do you care about me?
- Can I trust you?
- Will you deliver what you promise?
If you can answer YES to those three questions, you will be pleased with the reputation you’ve established. In addition, and you will receive increased referrals and recommendations, based on the great job you’ve done for others.